Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Reply to News-Georgia Agency concerning Mr. Nesterenko's statements

Question: How would you comment on the statement by spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry A. Nesterenko that the Georgian Authorities are allegedly creating problems for Russian citizens intending to return to Russia?

Answer: Mr. Nesterenko’s statement is yet another piece of misinformation. The Georgian Authorities have caused no restriction or hindrance for Russian citizens in terms of movement throughout or departure from the territory of Georgia.
Besides, the Georgian Foreign Ministry posted on 11 August 2008 a press release indicating a contact person of the Ministry, whom Russian citizens can address in case they are faced with problems in returning to the country of their origin.
The Georgian Foreign Ministry has so far been contacted by five persons appealing for help in arranging their departure to Russia. All the five persons received due assistance.
Given below are details of the contact person - Director of the Department of Russia Irakli Toronjadze:

Telephone numbers
(cellular): 995 95 500 825
(office): 995 32 284 615